On this explore, we are checking out an abandoned Tennis court that held the US Olympics where Andre Agassi and Lindsay Davenport won gold medals in 1996. This was a pretty awesome explore because I have never explored an abandoned Tennis court before. It's massive and the colors are amazing. Sergio, and Fran went before I arrived and they got some amazing shots during sunset. Fran took me the next day so I could experience it myself. Took us a while to get in the second time around because of a lingering car where you would enter, but it was definitely worth the wait.
Abandoned Farm Prison in Texas
We recently just went to texas to shoot a few spots, one being this awesome farm prison. This was a spot none of us have been to so we were pretty excited to shoot something new. We parked the car and started trekking through a hot ass cornfield to get to the prison. As we are walking, it's getting hotter and hotter with each step, but we all sucked it up and finally reached our destination. The place was pretty dope from the outside so we had high hopes for what was inside. As we were walking around, I'm seeing more and more wasps which start to freak me out because I'm highly allergic and forgot to mention that to Fran or Jeff. I pulled myself together and we start shooting. Everything is going well, we are getting good footage, and thankful no wasp attacks. Jeff meets up with us a little later to inform us a man on a tractor is circling the property. We doubt he will come inside, so we don't pay much mind. This place had a lot more than what we expected. A couple wasps landed on me which prompted me to run like a scaredy cat but aside from that, this was a super successful trip none the less.
PlayBoy Mansion
Today @sloppystick, @wire_atl, and @Frantastic420 explore a once epic playboy mansion. It has a really dope indoor pool that has a playboy symbol in the shallow end. This place has gotten trashed lately but it was still cool to come and take some photos. A quick story about it from what we read online was the owner of the property owned a strip club and put a hit out on his wife's lover. The person he hired for the murder was an undercover cop. It's a pretty wild background story of this place. I couldn't imagine the parties that went down here. The pool was definitely the main attraction to this house. Every other room in the entire place was trashed pretty bad. Check out the video we put together and also some of the photos below.